Dental implants

Dental implants

Dental implants

“Dental implants have emerged as one of the best alternatives to replace missing teeth, as they closely mimic natural teeth, and do not affect the adjacent teeth and surrounding tissues, but rather work to replace the roots of missing teeth. In this article, we will know together what are the steps for dental implants in detail. “

Dental implant steps

The process of dental implants goes through many stages, and we find the order as follows:

  • Getting rid of a broken or infected tooth.
  • The use of artificial bone, if necessary.
  • Placement of the implant within the jaw bone.
  • Osseointegration, wound healing.
  • Abutment cover.
  • Molar installation.

Details of the steps are in the next part:

First visit:

  • The doctor begins by examining the area where he will place the implant, and it may require taking many photographs, taking measurements of the mouth to obtain a template that simulates the shape of the jaw for study, in addition to taking X-ray films of the tooth to be replaced with implants.
  • We need a CT scan as well, which helps the doctor to assess the quality and quantity of bone in the transplantation area.

Second visit:

  • In the next visit, the doctor removes the broken or worn out tooth, or sometimes it is just a remaining root that must be disposed of, after ensuring that the patient is fit for the implant, and setting the appropriate treatment plan.
  • The patient is anesthetized with local anesthesia, so that he does not feel any pain, during all the steps of the dental implant process, from extraction to the installation step, and sedatives can also be used if necessary for the mother, so that the patient feels comfortable and not anxious.
  • The doctor makes a small cut in the gums, through which he can expose the bone, and reach a deep part in it, to place the implant made of titanium metal inside the bone, using special tools and drills, then he puts a healing cap on the implant. This cover works to help the bone and gum tissue to fuse with the implant, and it also protects the top of the implant from the build-up of tartar and food residue on it.
  • The doctor closes the place of implantation with medical sutures, then we wait for the period of fusion of the implant and the bone, to act as a strong support for the final structure after that.
  • This period ranges from 2-6 months depending on the quality of the bone. During this period, temporary artificial teeth can be designed to replace teeth that have been extracted from a cosmetic point of view only. However, during this period, the implant must not be subjected to any pressure or force until complete healing.

Third visit:

  • The patient follows up with the doctor after the operation, to ensure that there is no infection in the implant site, and to check on the progress of the healing process.
  • After the healing period ends, the doctor tests the implant to ensure the success of the implantation process, the stability of the implant in its place, and its ability to withstand the force of chewing.
  • The doctor completes the replacement process by attaching an upper part to the implant, then designing the appropriate fitting, whether it is a crown or a bridge.

When do we resort to placing a bone before implantation?

If the patient suffers from weak bone in the place of implantation, or if it is in a small amount, before proceeding to implant the implant, we must add a quantity of bone to him, otherwise this implant will be destined to fail.

This is due to the fact that the implant, under normal circumstances, is subjected to a high chewing force. If the implant is not supported by an appropriate amount of bone, it will not be able to bear the chewing force, and will move from its place, which means that the implant will not succeed.

The sources of bone used to support the jaw before implantation vary, and the doctor will help you choose the right one.

We can get what we need from the bone as follows:

  • The bone is normal, it comes from another place in the patient’s own body.
  • The bone is artificial, and it works to stimulate the bone to grow again.

It may take some time for the bone growth to be completed in an appropriate amount, before the implant is placed. Other cases may require a small amount of bone, so the doctor places it at the same time as the implant. The choice in all cases depends on the condition of the jaw in the first place.

Immediate dental implants

This operation aims to remove the infected toothand place the implant at the same time. This process is suitable for patients who have an appropriate amount of bone in the place of implantation. Some patients need to reach an ideal and permanent result in the least time, as a result of work requirements such as people whose work depends mainly on speaking well, or looking good.

The success rate of dental implants

The success rate is up to 98%, taking into account the correct care methods, like natural teeth, such as maintaining dental flossing, preventing the accumulation of food residues in the mouth, and using medical floss and mouthwash regularly.

You should also make sure to visit your doctor every six months. And abstaining from bad habits such as biting metal objects, ice or hard candy, while reducing caffeine that may cause pigmentation of the implant-supported crown.

On the other hand, the bone may not fuse with the implant that was placed, especially in patients who smoke. If this happens, the doctor removes the implant, scrapes the bone, and then the process is repeated after three months.

What is the duration of dental implants?

The duration of dental implants ranges from two months to 6 months on average, and this period may increase depending on the condition and quality of the bone, but implants in the upper jaw tend to need a period of 4-6 months, while the lower jaw needs about 3 months, but if it is necessary to Putting a bone, you must wait 6 months in both cases.

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